Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Watch What You Drink!

Food isn’t the only thing that is making America fat; sugary drinks are also a huge source of weight gain.  The role that high sugar drinks have played in our surging obesity rates have recently received special coverage in the news because of former New York Mayor Bloomberg’s passed initiative to ban the sale of 32 ounce beverages or larger.  I think it’s best we all take his advice.  Studies show that about 20% of sugar intake comes from sugary drinks and sugar intake is directly related to weight gain and health problems.  The occasional soft drink isn’t necessarily unhealthy, in fact some sugar intake is beneficial for you. However the problem is that the portions of these unhealthy drinks are becoming larger and larger and it is recommended that we only consume 100-150 calories of sugar, which is only about the size 12 oz coke can.  These dangerous drinks can be just as tremendous of a factor as food.

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